Create the book database

A book database class will contain a method to return a book object. We haven't exactly learned how to create a database or read/write to files yet. We're going to use the knowledge we already have to create a class. Our class will simulate a database and return a populated book object. We'll simulate a database by simply using if or switch statements to look up a book based on SKU. Later, we'll create a database using Oracle that also returns a book object.

Our book database will contain several book titles and the SKU code to look one up. Your assignment

Your assignment

Create a class that contains a method that takes one parameter, the SKU, and returns a corresponding book object. Use If Statements to populate the instance variables of the Book class and return the populated Book class.

SKU Title Author Description Price
Java1001 Head First Java Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates Easy to read Java workbook 47.50
Java1002 Thinking in Java Bruce Eckel Details about Java under the hood 20.00
Orcl1003 OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE Jeanne Boyarsky Everything you need to know in one place 45.00
Python1004 Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Al Sweigart Fun with Python 10.50
Zombie1005 The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse Simon Monk Defend Your Base with Simple Circuits, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi 16.50
Rasp1006 Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius Donald Norris A dozen fiendishly fun projects for the Raspberry Pi! 14.75

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