Create the book database
A book database class will contain a method to return a book object. We haven't exactly learned how to create a database or read/write to files yet. We're going to use the knowledge we already have to create a class. Our class will simulate a database and return a populated book object. We'll simulate a database by simply using if or switch statements to look up a book based on SKU. Later, we'll create a database using Oracle that also returns a book object.
Our book database will contain several book titles and the SKU code to look one up. Your assignment
Your assignment
Create a class that contains a method that takes one parameter, the SKU, and returns a corresponding book object. Use If Statements to populate the instance variables of the Book class and return the populated Book class.
SKU | Title | Author | Description | Price |
Java1001 | Head First Java | Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates | Easy to read Java workbook | 47.50 |
Java1002 | Thinking in Java | Bruce Eckel | Details about Java under the hood | 20.00 |
Orcl1003 | OCP: Oracle Certified Professional Java SE | Jeanne Boyarsky | Everything you need to know in one place | 45.00 |
Python1004 | Automate the Boring Stuff with Python | Al Sweigart | Fun with Python | 10.50 |
Zombie1005 | The Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse | Simon Monk | Defend Your Base with Simple Circuits, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi | 16.50 |
Rasp1006 | Raspberry Pi Projects for the Evil Genius | Donald Norris | A dozen fiendishly fun projects for the Raspberry Pi! | 14.75 |