Tell Me About These Beans
Java Bean: a class that meets the following criteria:
- Instance varibles are private
- Instance variables are accessed through public getters and setters
- The bean class must implement serializable
- The bean class must contain a no-argument constructor
Your first Java Bean
The User class in this example is a JavaBean. We use JavaBeans to pass data between servlets and JSP pages.
Here's the code for the User class:
public class PersonBean implements {
private String name = null;
public PersonBean(){}
public String getName(){
return name;
public String setName(String value){
name = value;
Your Assignment
- Create another JSP page.
- Create a link in the first JSP page to the new JSP page.
- Copy the code above. Will it work?
- Display the other fields in your class.
- What happens if you remove sessionScope from the attribute?
Your second Assignment
- Next, create an object called An address contains the following attributes: Street Address, City, State, ZIP.
- Add the Address class to the User object. The Address class must be a class in the User class. A User HAS An Address.
- Change your JSP page to display the User's Address.